duminică, 8 aprilie 2012


Hi!Today I will give ID Ryan Whitney Newman (real):
There you can talk to her personally!So I will fulfill the dream!
On this blog we say TRUTH!
So please follow us and continue with Ryan Newman will post as this one.
A good day and goodbye!

miercuri, 28 martie 2012


Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
Welcome to Ryan Whitney Newman's blog!
Here is information about it, and I can give her ID, but later. This actress in three years is an actress, and even made an advertisement:
This has dyed his hair for a movie in blod.
He did karate for two weeks Zoom.
He appeared in two episodes of Hannah Montana.
She was born on April 24, 1998. Today is a holiday (it deserves because he worked hard and had to have needed a break).
Please say to those who pretend to be Ryan Newman, please warned them not to lie! But, if you're the one who pretends to be this please know, that is it!
I thank you for your understanding.

If you do not understand it shortly will give them information:

Full Name: Ryan Whitney Newman
Age: 13
Years old Birthday:
24th of April 1998
Born at: Manhattan Beach, California, USA
Siblings: Jessica, 15
Hobbies: hip hop dancing, gymnastics, acting and singing.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Ryan's favorite food is pizza.
Has two pet dogs, which are Havanese.
Favorite color is pink.
Is the youngest actor ever to have been motioned captured, at the age of 6for the movie Monster House. Ryan had to wear a suit covered in dots whilstacting out her scenes!
Ryan worked the 2nd most days on the set of Zoom, working only one day less than Tim Allen (who worked the most.) Loved to play with Tim Allen on the set of Zoom Ryan and actor Mitchel Musso have stayed close friends since the filming of the movie Monster House in which they co-star together.
Ryan is great friends with actress Taylor Dooley, they met at a shoot for Mary Kate and Ashley clothing. They have even been on vacation together.

Photos Ryan Newman

Ryan Whitney Newman facebook

Dear fans of Ryan Whitney Newman,will annouce that he made famous actore facebook.
This is true Ryan Whitney Newman.
The other is fake,you know now who do not mind.
This is blog is made by the manufacturer actress.